Global industrial control system spare parts manufacturer
ABB 3BSE003827R1 CI532V02 MODBUS Interface May 30, 2023

General information

Product number: 3BSE003827R1
Model name ABB: CI532V02
Directory description: CI532V02 MODBUS interface, 2 ch
Detailed description: RCOM/RCOM+communication interface submodule for the Advantage controller.
Each interface includes two channels.

System 800xA
Advant Master extended with System 800xA for growth and non-stop performance Reducing time to decision and action System 800xA Process Portal delivers the exact information, filters out noise to facilitate consistent, sound business decisions, and provides the right tools for the relevant user to take action as quickly as possible

Optimizing plant asset availability and performance System 800xA real-time Plant Asset Management features increase in process uptime while reducing costs through predictive and proactive maintenance. Control, I/O and fieldbus for all plant needs System 800xA offers a comprehensive controller suite of standards-based hardware and software as well as a complete line of industrial I/O for all plant needs.

ABB 3AXD50000032633 
ABB HIEE300927R0001 
ABB HIEE300936R0001 
ABB COM0011 
ABB HIEE300885R0101 
ABB HIEE300885R0001 
ABB 3BHB002916R0001 
ABB 3BHB00652R0001
ABB 3BHB000272R0001 
ABB 3AXD50000028861
ABB 3BHB004661R0001

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